New album out now
Fresh Beats
15h17 – 15h37
Uni-T Choir
15h42 – 16h02
New I.D Ministry
16h08 – 16h28
Julie Laguerre & la chorale Raphavoix
16h28 – 16h48
Larry Leegend
16h48 – 17h08
Imani Gospel Singers
17h27 – 17h47
Will Pierre
17h47 – 18h07
Maggie Blanchard
18h57 – 19h17
Valéry Marc
19h17 – 19h37
Peter Mésidor
19h37 – 19h57
20h06 – 20h51
Jireh Gospel Choir
ideas of our music
What was the muse

Who I am
I make modern, eclectic sound
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Adipiscing elit, sed do euismod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.